Krpano的插件可以方便的实现一些效果,尤其是在 xml 中使用 js 代码比较多的时候。

1. 基本结构

    krpano HTML5 Javascript Plugin Example

function krpanoplugin()
    var local = this;   // save the 'this' pointer from the current plugin object

    var krpano = null;  // the krpano and plugin interface objects
    var plugin = null;

    var xml_value = 100.0;   // the value for a custom xml attribute

    // registerplugin - startup point for the plugin (required)
    // - krpanointerface = krpano interface object
    // - pluginpath = the fully qualified plugin name (e.g. "plugin[name]")
    // - pluginobject = the xml plugin object itself
    local.registerplugin = function(krpanointerface, pluginpath, pluginobject)
        // get the krpano interface and the plugin object
        krpano = krpanointerface;
        plugin = pluginobject;

        // first - say hello
        krpano.trace(1, "hello from plugin[" + + "]");

        // add plugin attributes
        plugin.registerattribute("mode", "normal");
        plugin.registerattribute("value", xml_value, value_setter, value_getter);

        // add plugin action (the attribute needs to be lowercase!)
        plugin.dosomething = action_dosomething;

        // optionally - add some graphical content:

        // register the size of the content

        // use 100% width/height for automatic scaling with the plugin size
        var text = document.createElement("div"); = "width:100%;height:100%;"+
        text.innerHTML = "HTML5
click me"; // the plugin 'sprite' variable is the internal html element of the plugin plugin.sprite.appendChild(text); } // unloadplugin - exit point for the plugin (optionally) // - will be called from krpano when the plugin will be removed // - everything that was added by the plugin should be removed here local.unloadplugin = function() { plugin = null; krpano = null; } // onresize (optionally) // - width,height = the new size for the plugin // - when not defined then only the krpano plugin html element will be sized local.onresize = function(width,height) { // not used in this example // the plugin content will resize automatically because // of the width=100%, height=100% CSS style return false; } function value_setter(newvalue) { if (newvalue != xml_value) { krpano.trace(1, "'value' will be changed from " + xml_value + " to " + newvalue); xml_value = newvalue; } } function value_getter() { return xml_value; } function action_dosomething() { // trace the given action arguments krpano.trace(1, "dosomething() was called with " + arguments.length + " arguments:"); for (var i=0; i < arguments.length; i++) krpano.trace(1, "arguments[" + i + "]=" + arguments[i]); // trace some infos krpano.trace(1, "mode=" + plugin.mode); krpano.trace(1, "lookat=" + krpano.view.hlookat + " / " + krpano.view.vlookat); // call krpano actions plugin.accuracy = 1; // disable grid fitting for smoother size changes"tween(width|height, 500|100)", plugin);"lookto(0,0,150); wait(1.0); lookto(90,0,90);");"tween(width|height, 200|200)", plugin); } }

整个插件就是一个 krpanoplugin 方法,registerplugin 方法注册并初始化插件,此时获得 krpano 对象,可以进行全景的相关操作。

整个插件外部只能有这一个方法,不能有其它语句,否则会报错,因此想在外面使用诸如 import 'library' 之类的语句导入一些其它库是不行的,只能在内部使用动态导入。


2. 注册属性

注册的属性可获取 xml 标签里设置的值,在 registerattribute 后可通过 plugin.attributename (属性名) 来获取到。registerattribute(attributename, default, setter, getter)

3. 注册函数

注册函数后,作为 plugin 的方法,可在 xml 中被 action 调用。直接给 plugin 设置对应方法即可(方法名为小写):

local.registerplugin = function(krpanointerface, pluginpath, pluginobject) {
  // get the krpano interface and the plugin object
  krpano = krpanointerface;
  plugin = pluginobject;

  // 必须为小写
  plugin.dosomething = doSomething;

function doSomething() {

如果有参数,可直接通过定义参数获得,或者使用 arguments

function doSomething(paramA, paramB) {
function doSomething() {

4. 注册回调函数

这里主要是指 xml 中设置了某属性为 krpano action, 在 plugin 中被调用,与上面的函数相反:

    <plugin name="test"
    <action name="some_action">
        trace('some action called');

local.registerplugin = function(krpanointerface, pluginpath, pluginobject) {
  // get the krpano interface and the plugin object
  krpano = krpanointerface;
  plugin = pluginobject;

  plugin.registerattribute('onpluginready', null);


function initPlugin() {
  setTimeout(() => {, plugin); // 调用注册的函数
  }, 2000);

调用时传入了 plugin 对象,因此可以在 xml 定义的 action 中直接 get() plugin 属性,而不必添加 plugin[xx]. 这样的前缀。

5. 获取 krpano 的一些对象与方法调用

获取 layer、hotspot、plugin:

// hotspot 与 plugin 同理
const layer = krpano.layer.getItem(name) // 通过 name 获取
// 遍历
krpano.layer.getArray().forEach(item => {

set、get 相关属性:

// 常规'set(layer[a].x, 10)');
Krpano.set('layer[a].x', 10);
// 获取到对象
const layer = Krpano.layer.getItem('a');
layer.x = 10;

// 获取对象后直接获取属性
const x = layer.x;
const x = Krpano.get('layer[a].x');

同时,其他的一些方法可通过 js 直接调用:

// tween
// call'tween(view.fov, 10, 0.6, default, done_action();)');
// js 调用
krpano.actions.tween('view.fov', 10, 0.6, 'default', () => {
    console.log('tween finish');

相关方法可打印 krpano 对象查看到,文档中貌似没写,但很多可以通过 调用。

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